Bleeding Gums May Indicate a Dental Issue

Bleeding Gums St. George, UT

Bleeding gums might not seem like a big deal at first, but it can be an indication of a bigger problem. Not only will they be painful and make things like eating and drinking quite difficult, but bloody gums can merely be a symptom of something else. If you notice that your gums begin bleeding after eating or brushing your teeth, it might be time to consult a dentist. 

What can bloody gums be an indication of?

Bloody gums can be a minor inconvenience that means nothing, or it can be an indication of a serious problem. Here are some of the things that bleeding gums can be a symptom of. 


Gingivitis is a common but still relatively serious dental condition. Bloody gums, irregularly bad breath, and red or swollen gums are all symptoms of gingivitis. If you notice that your teeth often bleed after gently brushing them or that they are painful and bloody for no reason, then gingivitis might be the culprit.


Plaque in your teeth occurs when food particles get stuck in them or between them and sit for a period. Plaque that goes unattended will turn into tartar and eventually cause cavities. Each of these issues will most likely also cause your gums to bleed. 


Periodontitis is a more advanced form of gingivitis if the latter disease goes untreated. The problem is that periodontitis affects your gums and your jawbone, and the supporting tissue around it. Periodontitis is a serious condition that must be remedied immediately. 

Vitamin deficiency

In years past, bloody gums were a common side effect of scurvy. While this disease was usually limited to sailors and pirates, scurvy and similar vitamin deficiencies still happen today. Being low on vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin K can cause your gums to bleed. Luckily, this problem can be fixed simply by eating the right food and taking the right supplements. 

While bloody gums can indicate something bigger like one of the above issues, they can also be related to smaller and easily resolvable problems. 

Ways to correct your habits at home

Brushing or flossing too hard 

Brushing and flossing more vigorously isn’t a good thing. It’s detrimental to your gums and your teeth alike.

Using a toothbrush that’s too rough 

Toothbrushes come in many different forms, with bristles that vary greatly in roughness. Using a brush that is too rough will do more harm than good. 

Medications and drugs

Certain prescribed medications and recreational drugs can also cause bleeding gums. If you notice that your gums start bleeding after starting a medication, notify your doctor immediately. 

Dentures and other restoration methods are great for your overall oral health, but if they’re installed improperly or don’t fit correctly, they can cause bleeding in your gums. 

Because of the bigger issues that bloody gums can cause, it’s a good idea to notify your dentist immediately if yours start bleeding. Being proactive and using proper dental practices is a great way to take care of your teeth and gums. 

Request an appointment here: or call About Dental Care at (435) 359-0147 for an appointment in our St. George office.


Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Bleeding Gums in St. George, UT.


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