Questions To Ask a Dentist About Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers St. George, UT

There are many advantages to using dental veneers to improve your smile. For those with gaps between the upper front teeth, severe discoloration, or chips and cracks, veneers are a restorative solution for a natural-looking, healthy smile. In addition, they are relatively quick, non-invasive, and affordable. However, not everyone can benefit, and before you make your decision, you should meet with your dentist in consultation to discuss your options and whether veneers are right for you.

What questions should you ask your dentist about dental veneers?

The consultation with your dentist should be a dialogue. In addition to receiving information about the treatment, you should also ask questions to know what to expect. Your dentist should answer your questions thoroughly and honestly, and an open conversation about veneers can help give you peace of mind with pursuing the treatment. If you are having trouble coming up with questions to ask, here are some ideas.

Will the veneers have to be replaced, and if so, when?

Dental veneers last at least ten years. With excellent care, they may last up to 20. However, the expectation is that eventually, they will wear out and need replacing. Generally speaking, veneers are not considered reversible, meaning you cannot have them removed without replacing them. In that respect, veneers are a permanent treatment, meaning you must be sure of your decision because you cannot change your mind later.

How are veneers cared for?

For the most part, you care for veneers the same way you care for natural teeth, seeing your dentist regularly, brushing twice a day, and flossing at least once daily. However, you must be diligent about your care routine, or decay could affect the teeth under the veneers. It would be best if you also avoided anything that could stain your teeth, including tobacco, soda, and coffee.

Are there foods to avoid?

In addition to avoiding food and drink that could stain your teeth, you should also avoid foods that can damage your veneers. For example, hard foods could crack or chip them, while sticky or chewy foods could pull them off completely.

What is the timeline for treatment?

Getting dental veneers can take up to six weeks and may require three appointments:

  • Aesthetic consultation, during which your facial structure is analyzed and measurements are taken to fit your veneers
  • Preparation for veneers involves the removal of small amounts of tooth enamel
  • Final fitting and cementation when the veneers come back from the lab

Each appointment occurs approximately three weeks apart, depending on when the lab finishes constructing the veneers and sends them back.

Does it hurt?

Because only a minuscule portion of tooth enamel is removed in preparation for veneers, you should feel minimal to no discomfort. The entire process is minimally invasive, but if you are concerned about pain or you have anxiety about the process, speak to your dentist about options for reducing potential discomfort.

How soon can you eat after veneers have adhered?

A tough, permanent adhesive is used to cement the veneers to your teeth, but some caution should be taken following the procedure. It takes at least 24 hours for the bonding to completely set, and you should avoid chewing during this time. However, around two hours after your appointment, the veneers should be set, and some eating can resume. It is important to choose soft bread, pasta, soft canned food, mashed potatoes, bananas, and other soft and non-staining foods.

Are you a good candidate for dental veneers?

To be a good candidate for dental veneers, you have to have good hygiene habits. Your oral health generally has to be good. Veneers are contraindicated for people with gum disease, and your enamel must be healthy to support the preparation of the teeth. You must have only minor cosmetic dental issues. If the damage is more severe, your teeth may not be able to support the veneers. Another treatment may be more appropriate to address your concerns.

What are the signs of trouble with the veneers?

The dental cement holding a veneer in place will loosen over time, but this could be accelerated by poor food choices and dental hygiene practices. If there is a little give on the front teeth when chewing, it could mean the cement is starting to fail. If you notice the margin of the veneers around the gums or the top of the veneer starts to feel rough and even, schedule an appointment to talk to your dentist.


With few exceptions, dental veneers cannot be reversed. Therefore, you should ask plenty of questions of your dentist to make sure they are a good treatment option for you.

<em>Request an appointment here: <a href=""></a> or call About Dental Care at <a href="tel:4353590147">4353590147</a> for an appointment in our St. George office.</em>

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates in St. George, UT.

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