Do You Really Need a Deep Dental Cleaning?

A deep dental cleaning is often necessary when plaque and tartar build up below the gum line, causing a relatively severe case of gum disease. A deep dental cleaning can significantly improve long-term periodontal health, which reduces the risk of tooth loss or gum and bone complications. 

The purpose and process for a deep dental cleaning

The purpose of a deep dental cleaning is to improve periodontal health by cleaning below the gum line. A traditional routine cleaning only cleans along the gum line, but a deep cleaning gets more involved. It is typically for treating gum disease, while a routine cleaning serves as more of a preventive purpose for most patients. 

What is a deep dental cleaning?

A deep dental cleaning, also called scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure that cleans below the gum line. There are two steps to the process, which is scaling followed by root planing. The procedure reduces the risk of severe periodontitis and tooth loss. 

When is a deep dental cleaning necessary?

A deep dental cleaning is necessary when a regular cleaning is not enough to treat periodontal disease. The signs that indicate a need for a deep dental cleaning include bleeding gums while brushing, deep gum pockets, gum discoloration, bone loss in the jaw, and gum recession. While a deep dental cleaning cannot cure gum disease, it is often a necessary step to stopping the symptoms and getting the disease under control. 

What are the benefits of a deep dental cleaning?

A deep dental cleaning is not a fun experience, but it is beneficial to the patient’s long-term health. Often, a deep dental cleaning is performed because the patient has a moderate to serious case of periodontal disease. If left untreated, the disease will eventually lead to deep gum pockets, bone loss in the jaw, and gum recession, all of which could lead to tooth loss. A deep dental cleaning helps treat periodontal disease by removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria beneath the gum line that cannot be reached through good oral hygiene or regular dental cleaning. This cleaning helps protect teeth from becoming lost prematurely. 

How to recover after a deep dental cleaning

A deep dental cleaning procedure is minimally invasive, but there may be discomfort that exists for a few hours after treatment. To keep the discomfort to a tolerable level, keep the mouth clean by drinking water, doing a saltwater rinse, and eating foods that are soft. It is also helpful to not eat for several hours until the swelling goes down. Any discomfort should go away within 24 hours. If for some reason, serious symptoms linger, contact a dentist to find out the best course of action to deal with the issue. 

Visit our office for a check-up and consultation

You can contact us and schedule an appointment to determine if you need a deep dental cleaning today. We are glad to answer your questions about a deep dental cleaning and help you remain calm and comfortable throughout the treatment process.

Request an appointment here: or call About Dental Care at (435) 359-0147 for an appointment in our St. George office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Cleaning and Examinations in St. George, UT.

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