Gum Care When You Have Dentures

Gum Care When You Have Dentures from About Dental Care in St. George, UTDentures give many people a reason to smile again. Instead of living with damaged, unsightly teeth, they now look and feel better than ever.

While it is true that issues with the teeth go away, wearing dentures does not prevent other problems from developing. If you wear dentures, keeping them clean is essential to maintaining healthy gums.

The importance of healthy gums for people who wear dentures

Unhealthy gums often become swollen, red, and painful. That would make wearing dentures extremely uncomfortable. If an individual develops an infection, things would go from bad to worse. If permanent damage ensues, there is a good chance a person could never wear dentures again. So, healthy gums for denture wearers are vital. Here are five tips for taking care of gums.

Take a break

Some people have the misconception that they can only remove dentures at night when going to bed. However, dentists suggest giving the gums a break from time to time. Patients could take them out for several hours to allow the gums to breathe and rest. That way, dentures wearers can prevent sores and swelling.

Proper cleaning

Another misconception is that plaque and tartar do not build up on dentures. The truth is that this happens to both natural teeth and dentures. So, if someone notices plaque, it is important to remove it as quickly as possible. If plaque turns to tartar, a hygienist or dentist must eliminate it using special dental tools. Both plaque and tartar on dentures can irritate the gums and lead to infection.

Brushing and flossing

The same rule for brushing and flossing natural teeth after every meal applies to dentures. Brushing removes food particles, prevents tartar, and reduces the risk of staining. Flossing around the gumline helps keep gums healthy. Rinsing with a mouthwash that contains fluoride is also recommended by dentists.

Cleaning dentures

For healthy gums, properly cleaning dentures is essential. Dentures should be brushed and soaked at night. Otherwise, an individual would simply put dirty and unsterile dentures back in their mouth. Along with different commercial products, an individual can get dentures clean and sterile with various home remedies.

Do not hesitate to see a dentist

At any time and for any reason, an individual might experience a problem or have concerns about their dentures. If so, they should schedule an appointment to see a dentist. Even something minor like ill-fitting dentures can rub against the gums. That might lead to irritation and possibly infection.

Good oral care is a must

Especially as a denture wearer, you must take proper care of the gums. Each of these tips will help you do that, but you can also talk to your dentist. With healthy gums, you will enjoy your dentures for a long time. A dirty mouth has a direct correlation to physical health issues, so it is in your interest to keep your entire mouth clean as a denture wearer.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dentures and Partial Dentures in St. George, UT

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Request an appointment or call About Dental Care at 435-359-0147 for an appointment in our St. George office.

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